
Andrea Bianconi fondatore

Andrea Bianconi

Always animated by a great passion for fashion and style, Andrea Bianconi prefers a life made of a few things, but of high quality.

An experimenter by nature, our founder has always been fascinated by the opportunity to surprise and innovate.
He is a fan of all things Italian, handcrafted objects and technology.

A series of passions and wide-ranging interests gave him the belief in something that did not yet exist, and he sought to create it without copying, without trying to be someone else.

His dream was combined with the centuries of history and excellence that characterize our country, in which Biella can boast the best producers of wool and Como the most prestigious silk producers.

Andrea Bianconi fondatore

The wonder of being able to work with, (and alongside) these realities and to hold their precious fabrics in his hand did the rest, giving life to Revested Milano accessories.

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